Car Hire Kushiro Rail Station
The destination of Kushiro Rail Station is best explored by car and we have a great selection of vehicles available to rent at low prices. When you book our Car Hire Kushiro Rail Station all the taxes and the premium location fee are already included in our low rates.
We have a wide range of different vehicles at Kushiro Rail Station including economy cars, compact cars, prestige cars, automatics and multipurpose vehicles. Most of our cars come with air conditioning and if you are go to explore the country you can also rent one of our satellite navigation systems.
Car rental Kushiro Rail Station costs a weekly rate of £112.
Our prices are so cheap because we compare the rates of over 450 rental companies to find you unbeatable bargains.
To pick up a vehicle form this pickup point you need to go to 14-9-2 Kurogane-cho, 14-9-2, Kurogane-cho, Kushiro-shi, Kushiro, 085-0018.
You may find more convenient locations are Kushiro Airport Car Hire and Kushiro Rail Station Car Hire.
If you are looking for places to see or things to do then some of the local attractions include Kushiro Shitsugen National Park.